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What are international quotes?

International quotes are sites and map services that focus on business listings in multiple countries.
There are several national or local citation sites that cover one to two countries (eg US and Canada), but there are not many sites available with global coverage. However, these international sites are very useful for local SEOs and marketers who want to collaborate with companies in different countries around the world.

List of 99+ free international citation sites:

Citation Builder has been nourished and developed over the years to offer you the best, most efficient service. Although we would like to achieve world domination, expanding our service for building quotes on an international level takes time.
That is why we have given you the following in the meantime: an extensive list of 99+ international citation sites that can be used to build quotes in nearly 200 countries.
We have done extensive research into both international quotes and local SEO quotes for each country listed in the table, and although we found a few useful blog posts and lists along the way, nothing was very extensive or broad in geographic coverage.
We know how useful such lists can be when SEOs and marketers conduct citation research, so we have updated our free source of international citation sites for 2019-2020.

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